Ainsley & Marcel
6th January 2021

The Love Story
Ainsley and Marcel met back in high school. Marcel was in grade 12 and Ainsley was in grade 11. He didn't know her name, but she knew his. One day after school, Marcel saw Ainsley waiting to be picked up, and he instantly knew he was going to marry her one day. After messaging back and forth on Facebook and hanging out at lunch, Marcel asked Ainsley to go to the movies. She said yes, but only as friends! After this, they were together all the time and started dating 2 months later.
"The rest of our dating period was filled with pillow forts inside and projector movie dates in the backyard. There was one month when he gave me a rose every day for a month, just because! Needless to say, every day was new and exciting with Marcel!"
The day Marcel proposed, he took Ainsley to Noosa for the day. He had booked them a fancy restaurant for lunch, which made Ainsley a bit suspicious because they are more "fish and chips on the beach kind of people". After lunch, he took her shopping and bought her some clothes, but this was just Marcel being Marcel so it threw her off the scent a little bit. As they were about to head home, Marcel suddenly decided he wanted to go to Dicky Beach for the sunset. They're walking along the beach, and Ainsley says she's getting cold. He gives her a letter, says he's going to the car to get her jumper, and runs off!
"By this stage I'm super confused, so I read the letter and it hits me. At the end of the letter it said, "Walk to the place where we had our first kiss." This was the little lookout just a bit further up. As I approached the lookout, I see candles lighting up the ramp. Next to each candle was a photo - a memory of our relationship. I started bawling. At the top was Marcel, standing next to a little picnic setup and holding a letter. He then reads me the letter and at the end, gets down on one knee and proposes!"

The Wedding
"Our wedding day was like a fairytale. Although some people freak out when it rains on their wedding day, the rain just made ours magical! The fog surrounded us during the ceremony and just made all the fairy lights throughout the property sparkle even brighter! We had so much fun taking photos with our bridal party in the fog. The whole day was full of love and excitement from our family and friends. It was truly the perfect day."

"When I was shopping for a dress, I wanted something that I was comfortable in and also felt beautiful in, but I had no idea what style I wanted. I tried on so many beautiful dresses but each of them had something that I didn't love. When I went to Brides of Brisbane, I found elements of a few dresses and they were able to put them all together to create my dream dress. When Mel added the sleeves on, they were just off cuts of material, but she put them on in a way that allowed me to see how the dress would look. When I put on the Poppy gown, there was no wiping the smile off my face. I just couldn't stop smiling when I wore it. I just knew it was my dress!"

Advice for other brides?
"My biggest piece of advice when dress shopping is to limit the number of dresses you try on, because it all just becomes confusing and can be quite overwhelming!"

Venue: Gabbinbar Homestead
Photography: Peter & Mae
Cakes: Ainsley's mother & sister
Flowers: Ainsley's mother & mother-in-law